Tune in to listen to Steph Bigue, President at manyways.io, share the stories behind some of his best product wisdom & career tips for new and aspiring/pivoting product managers.
Steph's product wisdom & career tips discussed in this episode
The agency (consulting/contract) environment is a good place to learn a lot, from a lot of different types of customers
If you are the orchestrator of the project, sit between everyone and ensure the communication is constant, but avoid micro-managing
Find a way that you can interact with your team often and be consistent
Figure out what the team needs to be successful, and as the product leader, help feed that to the team
Ask a lot of questions shows you are focused on succeeding
You can't rely on email chains and threads to sort out all your problems, b/c there are certain things that come up in a person to person conversation that you just won't get to normally in written form
Ensure who is doing what, make sure you have clear roles and responsibilities defined, never assume
Asking questions is good b/c either you don't have the information, you don't know it, or you think you have the information and you're confirming it
Always as a PM, be as enthusiastic as possible b/c because enthusiasm is so contagious and it can keep a team rallied on a difficult project during difficult times
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