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Don't Underestimate the Power of Appreciation with Peter Overman

Don't Underestimate the Power of Appreciation with Peter Overman

Tune in to listen to Peter Overman, Lead Product Manager at PitchBook Data share the stories behind some of his best product wisdom & career tips for new and aspiring/pivoting product managers.

Peter's product wisdom & career tips discussed in this episode

  1. The role of Product Management is to solve complex problems by communicating the right questions to be answered

  2. Product managers must embrace autonomy

  3. What's the first next thing you need to do to move your project forward, you don't have to be perfect, but you need to make progress

  4. When you make a mistake, which you will, own up to it - share it - help others avoid the same fate

  5. Don't underestimate the power of appreciation

  6. If you nurture individual relationships, you are going to have so much more success

  7. You create connections by investing in them in order to have the best team and the best opportunity for success

  8. Find something you care about, focus on communication, show appreciation

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