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Use Empathy to Understand Customer Gaps with Elliott White

Use Empathy to Understand Customer Gaps with Elliott White

Tune in to listen to Elliott White, Head of Product at, share the stories behind some of his best product wisdom & career tips for new and aspiring/pivoting product managers.

Elliott's product wisdom & career tips discussed in this episode

  1. To be a really good product manager, you really need to be a good product manager, not a good engineer, not a good salesperson, not a good marketer, etc

  2. A bunch of little features that don't align with your company vision & strategy can paint you into a corner later on 

  3. Use empathy to understand your customers' gaps in order to build the solutions they need to be successful

  4. Three-legged stool question, are we addressing feasibility (engineering), viability (pm), usability (design)

  5. Indulge yourself in solution exploration

  6. KISS - keep it simple silly - you don't have to build all the things

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